Sunday, September 16, 2012

10 Things I Hate Not To Love About You.

Anyone could want and aim for many things in life ---- career, wealth, fame, talent--- the list could go on and on. From all the things that we could want and need, love will always be on top of it (admit it or not).

So I consider myself lucky (naks!) to find someone who could truly love me (as in!) in every way that he can. So in lieu of celebrating a half  decade of being together, I dedicate this post to you!

I know for  a fact that I rarely thank you for all the things you do to make our relationship work. You know I'm not the sentimental type but I made a mental list of 10 things (among others) that I love about you.


10. Patience is really a virtue. - It's in my genes to run late all the time and it's in your genes to arrive early all the time (haha). As a result, if we agreed to meet in one place, you would always wait for me for hours. When I finally arrived, instead of fussing about my "habitual tardiness", you would smile at me, approach me and hold my hand and we'll go on about  our plans for the day.

9. My Life Support (literally) - You always support me in my goals and things that I want to do. When I was having my OJT in two schools in Baguio as a Student Counselor, you would help me prepare my materials for my group dynamic activity. Even when I started blogging, you were usually the first one to read my posts and you even urged your friends to check my blog (haha!). 

8. Through Good Times and Bad Times. - You always say that it makes you happy when I'm happy and you never fail to make me feel that way. You are one of the few people who will be genuinely happy for my successes. And, when I'm having a bad day at work or at home, all I have to do is to call you and you will do everything in your power to make me feel better.

7. Overprotective -  You tend to be over protective about so many things. Did I already say over protective? hehe. Well, I admit that sometimes (if not most of the time) it irritates me. But on the other hand, I realized I don't want a lenient boyfriend who wouldn't care if I go home late or if I party every night and so on. So even if you tend to be very protective of me, I feel happy and thankful that you're like that because it only shows how much you really care for me.

6. "Pride"-less - Whenever we fight on something, no matter what the reason is, you will always be the first one to say I'm sorry, the first one to patch things up, the first one to insist that we talk about it and settle it immediately.

5. Jack of all trades - You might not realize this but I admire how informed you are about so many things. I often ask you the most random topics and you have answers for it, be it politics, religion, technology and current events.

4. My Man - When I was young and my friends would ask me about "What is your ideal guy?" (y'know usual teenage stuff) I would often answer this: my ideal guy is just like my dad. At that time, I don't really took my answer seriously, for me it was an automatic response from a teenage girl like me. But now, looking at you I feel blessed because just like my dad, you don't have any vices (well, does addiction to airplanes count? lol). Just like my dad, you have an undying and strong faith to the Lord, you're even a way better Christian than I am..and I understand and admire your ministry. Whenever we go to a new place, you will always look for a Church and we will visit it and pray together. I know in my heart that just like my dad to my mom, you will be faithful to me and you will love me for a very long time.

3. Yin and Yang - We are so different in so many ways. You are too organized and I'm not. I am more practical while you usually go for what is more convenient no matter what it costs. I tend to have a carefree spirit while you are too cautious about everything. Even our line of interests usually do not meet, well, except for travelling which we both love. But despite all our differences, we compliment one another, we support each other and compromise all the time. I can say that I  became a better person since I met you.

2. Sweet nothings - In the middle of our conversation and there will be a momentarily pause, out of the blue you will say "I love you.", I will usually smile at your random sweetness and I will answer back. Every morning, I will  receive a text from you reminding me to take care and telling me you love me. Whenever we are sitting and waiting for something, be it in a bus terminal, airport or just in the middle of a heavy traffic, instead of making yourself busy about something, you will choose to hold my hand.

1. A for Effort - After our graduation, you migrated to the U.S.. As a result, we are apart most of time. But to you, distance is never a hindrance. Ever since you went away, you always make sure that you come home to the Philippines every year. Last year, you even visited me thrice. And even though I always miss you, my longing eases because you never fail to call and text me every day. Whenever I go out during late hours, you will wake up in the middle of the night (considering our 6-hour time difference) to call me and  to check if I'm already home. Even though you're miles away, you still manage to send me chocolates, cards and flowers. We may not be geographically near to each other but you never take me for granted. You continue to love me and take care of me in every way that you can.

And, I want you to know that I will always love you in every way that I can.

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