Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Hunger Games: The Book Vs. The Movie

I guess it's safe to say that if a movie is adapted from a best selling book, you bet, it will surely be worth your money and time. Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Twilight Saga, A Walk to Remember are only few examples of ingeniously written words that came to life in the big screen.

It is quite ironic though that even if we think that authors write their books perfectly, there would always  be some alterations made in their movie versions. In the Hunger Games, I personally note for these differences.

                               Movie                                                         Book  
1. Katniss gave the mockingjay pin to Prim                                  1. After Katniss volunteered to take Prim's
so that she won't be nervous about the reaping.                            place, Madge, the Mayor's daughter who
When Katniss volunteered to take her sister's place,                     became Katniss' friend, gave her the
Prim gave her back the mockingjay pin as a lucky                         mockingjay pin for her to wear as a                                                                                                                               charm to keep her safe.                                                                District 12 symbol to the Games.

2. The mutts that attacked Katniss, Peeta and Cato                   2. The mutts are more like of a half-wolf,
at the arena are plain huge and monstrous wolves.                     and half -human. They have the human eyes
                                                                                           of the other 21 tributes who died in the Games.

3. Katniss and Peeta hold the poisonous berries in their          3. Katniss and Peeta already put the berries
hands and gesture to eat them, when the Head Game          into their mouths when the Capitol Game Master  
Master stopped them and announced them as                       suddenly announced them as winners. They are                          
winners.                                                                            just smart enough not to swallow them until the
                                                                                         Capitol give in to their plans.

4. After the Games, Seneca Crane, the Head Game                  4. There's no specific definition of how he
Master, was taken by the Peacekeepers and was locked           died. He disappeared after the Games and
inside a beautiful room where the poisonous berries                  people believe that the Capitol executed him.
await him.

5. The crown for the Hunger Games Victors is placed              5. The crown was divided into two so that
above Katniss' head.                                                               both Katniss and Peeta can wear it.

Also, Peeta and Katniss shared much more kisses in the book compared to the movie. Oh come on! They didn't show it. Sigh.

I personally believe that the book is always better than the movie. Of course, not only it gives you full version of the story but lets you look into the character's thoughts and emotions deeply. The setting, the characters and the events are what you make of them in your imagination.

Even though we know that the movie version will be shorter and there would be some differences, we care less because we are so eager to watch it anyway. Maybe because we like to know if the producers, director and actors can give justice to the book , to see the characters' actual faces and just not what you imagine them to be or to witness how the story will be presented right before our eyes.

Personally, I think the Hunger Games movie version nailed it. If you have any doubts, try asking some of the thousand movie goers who made them earn a whopping $208, 855, 000 in just 8 days for 4, 137 theaters.

Harry Potter already gave us the final  movie, Twilight Saga is also down to the last screenplay installment. But thanks to the Hunger Games Trilogy, there would be two more (who knows maybe three) movies to anticipate! Hooray!

I guess we are so much like the Capitol people because admit it or not, life would never be the same without  entertainment.

Until the next Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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